Communia Rail Ratio Rail pressura Tester
Diesel Engine common rail pressure test can be operated simply with high accuracy avoiding the complicated operation compared with the previous use of mechanical pressure gauge pressure tubeandproblem caused by foreign matter entering a damaged fuel injector andthe pipe damage , a series of negative effect caused by oil spills .
Usus instrumenti magno amplio operantes efficientia.Most secundum ad vexillum data Tonearch pro engine incipiens difficultatem et potentia ex defectu engine operating et restaurare et degntia et driving et restaurare et in tribulationis et restaurare et in tribulatione et restaurare in communi. Hoc vere fit per indispensable diagnostica instrumentum professional commune rail pressura testem pro communi rail engine. Communi rail pressura probat MMXIII novae adventu.
Test range | 0-2500bar. | Dimensiones | 92x202x36 |
POPULUM | 9V altilium | Sensorem voltage | 5v 200ma |
Opus temperatus | -30c ° - 70c ° | Exemplar | Cruda pressura CREPHO-Rail Diesel Tester |
1.Easy ad agunt convenient et agentibus
2.could praestare on-line Test et test TheCommon rail pressura recta
3.with vexillum probatio database de rail pressura
Product munera:
1.The probat est cum vexillum testing database de engine in diversis status
2,the engineer posset iudicare utrum rail pressura est normalis fundatur in comparatione inter probatio eventus plerumque indicant infra problema de engine
3.Engine est difficile ad satus vel non esse coepi
4.Engine caret potentia